Our Story

The journey of MagPot began one fateful night in my basement. My passion for gardening was ignited about four years ago, following the passing of my beloved grandmother. I was fortunate to be raised in a family that cherished gardening and savored the literal fruits of their labor. As a child, my grandmother would pluck fresh mint, basil, and thyme from our garden, infusing our dinner dishes with their vibrant flavors. Our garden was a magical sanctuary teeming with life - birds sang, caterpillars metamorphosed into butterflies, and squirrels busily stashed away their treasures. However, after my grandmother’s departure, our backyard, once a thriving oasis, began to wane.

In the depths of that winter, I made a solemn promise to myself. I pledged that when spring arrived, I would harness the wisdom my grandmother imparted about gardening and put it into action. As the season of renewal dawned, I embarked on my gardening journey, nurturing bonsai trees and succulents, sowing seeds of sunflowers, wildflowers, and a variety of vegetables. By the time summer rolled around, the garden was once again alive with the melody of birds, the industrious digging of squirrels, and the miraculous transformation of caterpillars into butterflies. For the first time in a long while, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that my heart and soul were embedded in that garden, and through my diligent efforts, it was brimming with life once more.

Michigan, my home, is situated in Zone 6, where we experience the full spectrum of the four seasons. This posed a challenge for my succulents, which needed to stay warm and healthy even in the harsh winter. To solve this, I brainstormed ways to keep them indoors while still providing them with ample sunlight. The solution? Magnetically attracted plant pots adhered to windows. Like any new invention, it required some fine-tuning to ensure its effectiveness. After rigorous testing, the product was finally realized. Fast forward two years, and I am now ready to share this innovative product with the world. I hope that all current and future plant enthusiasts will find this product as remarkable and rewarding as I believe my dear grandmother would have.

I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my wife, friends, and family throughout this journey. Above all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my grandma Saide, whose teachings on gardening have given me a profound understanding of life’s cycles and fulfillment.

With gratitude, Ahmad Ozeir, Inventor of MagPot.